Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina

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BEGINNING ENGLISH COURSE -UNIT 3: Present Simple, Countable and Uncountable

FROM: http://esl.about.com/c/ec/2.htm

Present Simple
What do you do every day? Basic questions and conversations using the simple present to talk about what you do every day.

Countable and Uncountable: Singular and Plural
Singular and Plural Learn about how the singular and the plural are formed in English.
How many apples do you have? Countable and uncountable nouns with "a, an, some", as well as questions with "How much...?" and "How many ...?".
How many peoples? (?!) Take this quiz on singular, plural, countable and uncountable nouns.

Some and Any
Are there any apples? Use of "some" and "any" - and "some" and "any" words such as something, anywhere, somebody, etc.

BEGINNING ENGLISH COURSE - UNIT 2- Your Family, Times, Prices and the IPA

FROM: http://esl.about.com/c/ec/2.htm

Family: Names of Family Members and possessive pronouns
My Family
Vocabulary used to describe people in your family including possessive pronouns (my, your, his, etc.)

Telling Time
What time is it? It's quarter to three.
Learn the basics for telling the time in English.
Telling the Time
What time is it? Listen and see if you can understand.

Practicing your Numbers: Understanding Prices
How Much Does It Cost?
Listen to two people speaking about different objects and write down the price of each object. When you have finished, click on the arrow to see if you have answered correctly.

Learning the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
Vowel Pronunciation Guide
English pronunciation can be difficult. Learning the IPA symbols will help you learn to
Consonant Pronunciation Guide
This listening guide gives examples of IPA symbol sounds by using representative words.

BEGINNING ENGLISH COURSE - UNIT 1 - Building Blocks: Basics, ABC's, Numbers

FROM: http://esl.about.com/c/ec/2.htm ************************************************* 
Basic Numbers1 - 100 pronunciation, spelling and short number listening quiz. 

Understanding NumbersListening quiz to test your understanding of numbers ABC's and Spelling 

The ABC'sLetter pronunciation with example word for each letter, short spelling quiz. 

ABC's SongLearn the ABC's by singing along with this popular ABC song! 

Spelling QuizTake this quiz to practice your spelling skills.  


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